TEDAŞ Education Management System Project Started

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TÜBİTAK TÜSSIDE and Türkiye Electricity Distribution Inc. (TEDAŞ) on 1 June 2022, the opening meeting of the TEDAŞ Education Management System Project was held on 7 June at the General Directorate of TEDAŞ in Ankara.

At the opening meeting, where TEDAŞ Deputy General Manager Mahmut Yağız, Head of Development Management Department Mehmet Alparslan Karaboğa, TÜSSIDE Institute Deputy Manager Ali Doğan and the project teams of the parties attended, after the TÜSSIDE team explained the work to be done within the scope of the project, views were exchanged. With the project, it is aimed to establish a sustainable education management system to strengthen the competencies of the employees and managers of the institution in line with the aims and objectives of TEDAŞ and to make it ready for the implementation phase.

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