TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Experts are at Çanakkale Commodity Exchange

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Experts from TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Turkey Industrial Management and Management Institute, headed by Chief Expert Researcher Barış Çarıkçı, who carries out the "Development of National Clustering Strategies in the Olive and Olive Oil Sector" Project of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, visited Çanakkale Commodity Exchange. Ministry; Experts from TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Institute, with whom TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Institute collaborated, to research the problems of the olive oil sector in our country, future supports to be provided to producers and factories, problems in exports, branding, clustering and competition policies, exchanged ideas and conducted surveys with stakeholders, institutions, producers and institutions with experience in the sector within the scope of the project. .

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