TÜSSİDE Analyzes the Current Situation of the Olive and Olive Oil Sector

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Following the 3 regional workshops held within the scope of the "Development of National Clustering Strategies for the Olive and Olive Oil Sector Project - Current Situation Analysis" carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, TÜSSİDE also took a picture of the sector through interviews with stakeholders and companies from the sector.

A total of 78 meetings were held in 18 provinces representing the sector, including 11 national stakeholders, 26 regional stakeholders and 41 companies.

TÜSSİDE, which attaches importance to receiving the opinions of all parties in the sector, conducted one-on-one interviews with the private sector, public and non-governmental organizations. He analyzed the problems that need to be solved in the sector, what kind of problems can be overcome and competitive policies can be pursued by taking advantage of what strengths. While TÜSSİDE also took individual positive and negative areas and demands into consideration within the scope of its current situation analysis studies, its main approach was to collect information to determine cluster-oriented common competitive areas. In the meetings, which will provide input to the competition and needs analysis of the sector and shape the support to be provided by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock in the coming periods, the position of the institutions/organizations in the supply chain and their contribution to the sector were analyzed. Their evaluations and suggestions were received on topics that would provide detailed analysis of the sector, such as export, branding, quality and human resources.

During the interviews, an attempt was made to obtain a current situation analysis on a regional basis by addressing regional differences that are fundamental to creating a national competitive advantage.

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