A cooperation and joint project protocol was signed between TÜSSİDE and Gedik University in postgraduate programs. The protocol was signed by Institute Director Prof. on behalf of TÜSSİDE. Dr. Osman KULAK, Rector Prof. on behalf of Gedik University. Dr. Berrak KURTULUŞ signed it. Also at the signing ceremony, Projects Coordinator Orhan DURSUN from TÜSSİDE, universities coordinator Abdullah AKTEL, Çağla KARABACAKOĞLU from Business Development unit; Prof. from Gedik University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Dr. Metin KUTAL, EU Research and Application Center Director, Lecturer. Tunay İNCE, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences faculty member Asst.Prof.Dr. Ayşin ŞİŞMAN attended. After the signing ceremony, the TÜSSİDE campus was visited and the tour continued with anecdotes about the past and present of TÜSSİDE.

TBTK.TÜSSİDE.A.2025-1.01 and TBTK.TÜSSİDE.A.2025-1.02 R&D Personnel (Researcher) Job Postings Published!
Our advertisements in the position of Researcher to be employed in our TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Kocaeli (Gebze) workplace will be open for application