School Principals' Executive Competencies Development Work Started

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The "Administrative Competencies Development Project", designed for school principals working in public and private schools in Kocaeli province, in cooperation with TÜSSİDE and Kocaeli Provincial Directorate of National Education, started on February 13, 2017, with the participation of Kocaeli Provincial Director of National Education Fehmi Rasim ÇELİK.

With the training needs analysis prepared around the duties and responsibilities of school principals, 850 school principals working in schools in Kocaeli were reached. In the light of analyzes on the level at which the specified competencies are needed, practical competency development programs and conferences specific to school principals were organized on the subjects of "School Management and Strategic Leadership", "Problem Solving Techniques", "Stress Management" and "Effective Speaking and Communication".

A total of 680 school principals are planned to participate in the programs to be held for three months in educational venues in Gebze and Izmit.

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