Project Cooperation Opportunities Were Evaluated Between Azerbaijan and Türkiye on Science Technology Day

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This year, participants from institutions in Azerbaijan were invited to the International Leadership Academy program organized by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) together with the Prime Ministry Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA).

Participants representing our country in the program, which included training, social programs, panels, project presentations and official visits, also met with managers of R&D companies and relevant public institutions.

At the "Science Technology Day" event held within the program, science and technological innovation systems in Turkey were introduced. At the same panel, ASAN Service Protocol unit head Muhammed Ali Hudaverdiyev made a presentation introducing the institution and its services. The streamlined service delivery was watched with interest and appreciation by the authorities in Turkey.

The program was attended by TÜBİTAK Vice President Dr. Orkun HASEKİOĞLU, TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Director Mr. Tezer BATTAL, Hacettepe Teknokent General Manager Mr. Abdurrahman GÜNGÖR, Prime Ministry TIKA Foreign Relations and Partnerships Department Head Mr. Dr. Mehmet YILMAZ, representative of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Industry, Mr. Hakan BAL, TÜBİTAK Science Technology Policies Expert Dr. Poetry KILKIŞ, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology - Ankara Provincial Director Mr. Vehbi KONARILI, DEİK Turkey-Azerbaijan Business Council Vice President Mr. Selçuk AKAT, Azerbaijan ASAN Service - Protocol Department Head Mr. Muhammed Ali HÜDAVERDİYEV, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İnovatif Yatırımlar A.Ş. General Manager Mr. M. Yusuf AKGÜNDÜZ, Ostim President Mr. Orhan AYDIN, KOSGEB Vice President Mr. Süleyman İSLAMOĞLU, Hacettepe Technology R&D Center General Manager Mr. Erhan KUMAŞ, TÜBİTAK National Mentor Program Coordinator Mr. Hasan Gönenç and TÜBİTAK International Leadership Academy Coordinator Mr. Mustafa DİŞÇİ were the speakers. They joined.

On Science Technology Day, two panels on Turkey's Science Technology and Innovation System took place. The event ended with Hacettepe TARGEM General Manager Mr. Erhan KUMAŞ presenting the success story of the Electric Car and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle projects.

It seems that the Leadership Academy program and the Science Technology Day event will be the beginning of new projects for Turkey and Azerbaijan.

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