Agricultural Information System Applications Country Model Feasibility Study Project Information Meeting Held

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On March 16, 2023, an informative meeting was held for the Feasibility Study Project of Agricultural Information System Applications Country Model, signed between TÜSSİDE and the General Directorate of Information Technologies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

During the briefing, it was highlighted that a strategy and roadmap would be developed for fully documenting the agricultural product chain, institutionalizing annual monitoring and evaluation activities, and ensuring effective utilization of agricultural information system applications. In the presentation conducted by the project coordinator and Senior Expert Researcher Barış Çarıkçı, the current situation in the country was emphasized, and it was stated that country models and literature were being examined. Through this approach, agricultural production, planning, and yield estimation would be approached with a broad perspective and scientific basis.

Current approaches and recent developments in the field of information systems and monitoring tools, which are within the scope and purpose of the project, were shared with the participants. Discussions were held on the model design being developed for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, which aims to provide agricultural production estimation, stock management, and production planning for our country.

In the final phase of the meeting, Technical Committees and their members were introduced. These committees, comprised of experts and academics from the sector, are established to support the project's work and provide guidance. Furthermore, informative points were shared regarding the following outputs that would be generated after the project's completion:

  • Examination of best practice examples of agricultural information systems worldwide and in Turkey, along with making recommendations specific to Turkey,
  • Proposing a sample agricultural information system model,
  • Determining the approximate cost and completion time of the proposed model,
  • Mapping data sources that would provide the parameters for the model, which would be used to meet the model's objectives.

The informative meeting covered the project's scope, activities, and the expected outputs, with participants from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and TÜSSİDE.

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