ÇATAB Institutionalization Project Opening Meeting was Held

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The institutionalization project, signed between TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE and ÇATAB (Çanakkale Historical Areas Presidency) on March 20, 2017, was launched on March 31, 2017, with a meeting held with ÇATAB senior management and the project team. Barış Çarıkcı and TÜSSİDE's expert consultants on Process Management and Internal Control attended the opening meeting on behalf of TÜSSİDE. The main objectives of the project, which will progress on four main axes:

  • Establishing Process Systematics
  • Creating an Organizational Handbook and Individual Performance System
  • Preparation of Internal Control Action Plan and Establishment of Internal Control System
  • Structuring Financial Management Processes

At the opening meeting held in two stages, the aims of the project, the work sharing of TÜSSİDE and ÇATAB in the project and the time plan were conveyed to the senior management in the morning session. In the afternoon, the ÇATAB project team was given more detailed information about the project and their expectations from the project were received.

The project will continue with Process Management and Internal Control Training at the beginning of May.

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