“Digital Transformation Leaders Development Program” Started

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The "Digital Transformation Leaders Development Program" started in cooperation with the Digital Transformation Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE.

With the program, it is aimed to transfer the usage areas of the following items in the institutions to the IT managers working in public institutions and organizations:

  • Global trends in digital transformation
  • The necessary standards and methods for better planning and management of digital transformation processes in the public sector.
  • Next generation digital technologies

The training program consisting of 14 modules will be held between 13 January – 15 April 2023.

Within the scope of the programme, from digital government governance and strategies to data governance in Turkey; A comprehensive curriculum will be followed, from new generation digital technologies such as blockchain, NFT, metaverse, and augmented reality to cyber security and business continuity technologies.

In the Opening Program held on January 13 at the Presidential Complex Exhibition Hall, President of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Digital Transformation Office Dr. Ali Taha Koç, Head of Digital Transformation Coordination Department of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, Furkan Civelek, and TÜBİTAK TÜSSIDE Director İsmail Doğan made their speeches.

After our Chief Specialist Researcher Ayşe Kandemir, who is the director of the project, shared the details about the program, the first week of training started.

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