DOKAP Strategic Planning Project Evaluation/Closing Meeting was Held in Giresun

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The evaluation/closing meeting of the "Strategic Management Project", which was initiated with the agreement signed between the Ministry of Development Eastern Black Sea Project Regional Development Administration (DOKAP) and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE on 28 March 2016, under the consultancy of TÜSSİDE, to reveal the strategic road map of DOKAP, was held in Giresun on 27 October 2016. It was held at Grand Ravza Hotel.

Barış Çarıkcı and Can Bayraktar, on behalf of TÜSSİDE, attended the meeting where the activities carried out with the DOKAP Project Team and the resulting results were shared with DOKAP President Ekrem Yüce and institution managers for the preparation of the DOKAP 2017-2021 Strategic Plan, which will carry DOKAP to the desired future.

The afternoon session of the meeting, which started with the opening speech of DOKAP Planning and Project Development Coordinator Hakan Günlü, ended with the evaluation of the mission, vision, values and SWOT analysis, following the informative presentation made by Barış Çarıkcı regarding the basic concepts of strategic planning and the activities and workshops carried out within the scope of the project. In the afternoon session, strategic goals, targets, performance indicators and strategies were evaluated together with the participants and the necessary revisions to the outputs obtained so far within the scope of strategic plan studies were decided.

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