Feasibility Study on National Model for Agricultural Information System Applications Completed

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The "Feasibility Study on the National Model for Agricultural Information System Applications," conducted in collaboration with the General Directorate of Information Technologies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE, has been completed with the presentation of the final report. The following have been carried out as part of the project:
  • Obtaining accurate and reliable data at both macro and micro levels in the agricultural sector,
  • Recording the entire chain from seed to table,
  • Institutionalizing annual monitoring and evaluation studies,
  • Ensuring the effective use of agricultural information system applications,
  • Developing a strategy and roadmap for the effective use of agricultural information system applications,
  • Analyzing the existing agricultural information system applications and observation stations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
The conducted studies will contribute to the creation of an intelligent decision support system for yield estimation and risk management, ensuring the efficient management of various components of the agricultural sector, ranging from the animal registration system to food safety, and promoting the widespread adoption of digital agriculture applications. Additionally, these studies will provide significant inputs for numerous national and international research and development projects, contributing to the identification of science and technology needs and policies.

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