TÜSSIDE Completes “Evaluation of Geothermal Resources” Field Studies in the KOP Region

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The field analysis work carried out within the scope of the "Geothermal Resources Evaluation Project", which is being carried out in cooperation with TÜSSİDE and Konya Plain Project (KOP) Regional Development Administration, has been completed. In the first stage of the field studies, places with successful practices for the use of geothermal resources in Turkey were visited. Within the scope of good practice examples, successful practices on issues such as governance mechanisms and branding strategies were examined on-site in Iceland, one of the leading countries in the world in this regard, and various cooperation connections were established within the scope of this visit.

After examining and analyzing successful examples at home and abroad, geothermal fields in 8 provinces in the KOP region were visited with TÜSSİDE experts and KOP Regional Development Administration officials. As a result of these visits, an inventory of geothermal resources in the region was made.

Within the scope of field studies, focus group meetings were also held in six cities, and stakeholders exchanged views on the problems they experienced in legislation and other topics. In this context, evaluations were made on how the governance mechanism should be structured and which institutions should play what role in order to use geothermal resources more effectively.

In the next phase of the project, studies will be carried out to determine how existing geothermal resources should be used to take a more active role in regional development, which will also encourage employment. In this regard, an investment guide will be prepared for investors planning to invest in geothermal resources.

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