Leadership Development Program from TÜSSIDE to SAHA Istanbul Member Company Managers

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The "Management Development Project", designed for member company managers in cooperation with TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE and SAHA İSTANBUL, with a focus on the defense, aviation and space industry, started with the first program on March 02, 2019.

Within the scope of the project, a total of 210 hours of learning development programs were designed to be presented to senior managers operating in relevant sectors. The program has been prepared in line with the needs of managers working in SAHA member institutions, in the light of TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE's more than 30 years of management science experience and SAHA Istanbul's sector knowledge and experience.

02.03.2019-16.11.2019 With the study to be held between , it is aimed to offer a transformative experience to the participants on the path to becoming a leading manager who is oriented towards his own summit, inspired by his values, and who will mobilize his institution and employees with his knowledge and energy. In this way, it is aimed to contribute to the development of companies' talents and capacities, thus increasing their productivity.

Institute Director İsmail DOĞAN emphasized that the program adopts a management approach that focuses on the local and faces the universal; He stated that Sümeyra KÖSTERELİ and Hasan KARABAKKAL from the project team examined national/international MBA programs during the design and that they will carry out sector-oriented case studies and measurement-evaluation studies throughout the program.

Management Development Program; It consists of a total of 8 themes: 'From Management to Leadership', 'Corporate Management', 'Qualification', 'Business Development', 'Financial Management', 'Research Methods', 'Technological Innovation Management', 'Digital Transformation and Its Reflections on Business Life'. The study includes the expert staff of TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE, the country's leading academicians who are in contact with the business world, and the managers who direct the sector.

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