Ministry of Industry and Technology Kocaeli Provincial Coordination Meeting was Held in TÜSSIDE

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The Ministry of Industry and Technology (STB) has requested to hold a coordination meeting with the participation of the top managers at least once every three months in order to ensure that the institutions and organizations operating in Kocaeli act in cooperation.

The 3rd STB Provincial Coordination Meeting organized in this context was held on 12 September 2019 at the Turkish Industrial Management and Management Institute (TÜSSİDE) located in TÜBİTAK Gebze Campus. In addition to the managers of STB institutions, for the first time, managers of Organized Industrial Zones and Technology Development Zones were also invited to the provincial coordination meeting held in TÜSSİDE. At the beginning of the meeting, which was held with the participation of 45 people, an informative presentation about TÜSSİDE activities was made by TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Institute Director Mr. İsmail DOĞAN.

Following the TÜSSİDE presentation, agenda items were discussed at the meeting, and opinions and suggestions were received from the participants regarding the problems and expectations.

At the last stage of the meeting, a presentation was made to promote the international internship program called OIC INTERN, conducted by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

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