National Boron Research Institute Strategic Plan Project Completed

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The "National Boron Research Institute Strategic Planning Project", carried out in partnership with the National Boron Research Institute (BOREN) and TÜBİTAK Turkey Industrial Management and Management Institute (TÜSSİDE), has been completed. BOREN's strategic road map was revealed with the three-month project.

As the first step of the project, "Strategic Management Training" was held in Ankara with the participation of 30 people from the project team and institution employees. In this training held to support BOREN's Corporate development, TÜSSİDE experts shared with the participants the conceptual framework for the preparation of the Institutional Strategic Plan that will carry the institution to the desired future.

As the second step of the project, "BOREN External Stakeholder Common Mind Platform Workshop" was held. Leading organizations that direct the boron sector, academicians, representatives of non-governmental organizations and private sector representatives participated in this study, which was conducted to analyze the current situation of BOREN. At the workshop, ideas were exchanged to determine BOREN's strengths, areas open to development, opportunities and threats it faces, and to create a road map. The study was carried out with more than 100 participants, especially Eti Maden, MTA, SSM and TSKGV Companies.

In the last stage of the project, a Strategic Model was created for BOREN with the guidance of TÜSSİDE experts and consultants, and within this scope, Strategic Objectives, Strategic Targets, Performance Indicators, Performance Targets, Strategies and Activities were determined, and a Budgeting study was carried out.

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