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Advisor to World Leaders Prof. Dr. Andrew KAKABADSE was the guest of TÜSSİDE Leadership Academy.

Prof. is an International Program Development Specialist at England's Cranfield University and also one of the world's top 50 management-leadership thinkers. Andrew KAKABADSE visited TÜSSİDE between 18-22 October.

KAKABADSE, who was invited to TÜSSİDE within the scope of the Leadership Academy Program, stated in his conference that the world is pregnant with major capitalist system changes that it has never seen before in the next ten years, and that increasingly depleting energy resources will be the main factor in determining world leaders. Dr. KAKABADSE underlined that Turkey will be a decisive power in the region with the economic-political developments in the world and that leaders should be trained at international standards in order to sustain this, and that TÜSSİDE has an important role in training leaders.

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