Beet Production and Cost Analysis Workshops are Held within the Scope of the Sugar Master Plan Project

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Within the scope of the “Sugar Master Plan Project” carried out in cooperation with TR Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Department of Sugar and TÜBİTAK TÜSSIDE, field studies for beet production in Turkey have started. In this direction, 11 of the workshops planned to be held in the provinces where there are 22 important production centers have been completed for the purpose of determining the province-based current situation and cost analysis regarding beet production.

After the "Sugar Raw Material (Sugar Beet) Production and Cost Analysis" workshop, which was first held in Adapazarı, workshops were held in Kırklareli, Eskişehir, Kütahya, Afyon, Ankara, Kırşehir, Kastamonu, Burdur, Çorum and Yozgat, respectively.

In the workshops attended by the stakeholders in the sugar industry (public institutions, sugar factories, private companies, NGOs, farmers, etc.), determinations were made regarding the current situation regarding beet production in the province, suggestions were developed for the steps to be taken, and the costs of beet production were discussed. Detailed analyzes were made with the participants.

In addition to the workshops, Alpullu, Eskişehir, Ankara and Çorum sugar factories in Kırklareli were also visited, and the processes from the arrival of beet to sugar production in the factories were examined, and face-to-face interviews were held with the producers.

11 more workshops will be held within the scope of field studies on beet production and cost analysis, and these workshops are planned to be held in the provinces of Amasya, Tokat, Konya, Kayseri, Niğde, Aksaray, Malatya, Elazig, Elbistan, Erzincan and Muş.

The data obtained at the workshops will be evaluated by TÜSSIDE within the scope of the analyzes to be made for sugar beet production in Turkey and will be used in the creation of the Sugar Master Plan.

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