The Closing Meeting of the Seed Sector National Strategy Development Project was Held

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The "Seed Sector National Strategy Development Project", signed between the Turkish Seed Growers Association (TÜRKTOB) and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE on November 25, 2015, was completed and the project results were shared with the public.

The Closing Meeting of the Seed Sector National Strategy Development Project held in Istanbul on 16 May 2017 was attended by TÜRKTOB and its affiliated Sub-Unions, senior representatives of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE, as well as academicians and members of the press in the project technical team.

In his opening speech, TÜRKTOB President Kamil Yılmaz said, “For 1.5 years, we held intensive studies and meetings with the contributions of our 7 Sub-Unions affiliated with TÜRKTOB, academics from our universities and experts from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. "With the contributions of TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE, we first took the clearest picture of our sector based on scientific basis, and then we determined our road map," he said. In his speech, Yılmaz stated that the 1 million tons of certified seed production targeted in 2023 was almost achieved by 2016 and that they aimed to produce 1.5 million tons of certified seeds in 2023 with the National Agriculture Project and Seed Strategy Plan.

TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Director Tezer Battal wished that the project would be beneficial to the sector and our country and stated that the strategic action plans should be closely followed by the Sub-Unions.

Mesut Akdamar, General Manager of Plant Production of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, started his speech by touching on the importance of food with the increasing population. Akdamar stated that they attach great importance and contributed to the Seed Sector National Strategy Development Project carried out by TÜRKTOB with the contributions of TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE, and stated that they attach importance to collaborations in the sector and the importance of acting together in the decisions to be taken regarding the sector.

Following the opening speeches, Ayşe Üstünoldu Kandemir, one of TÜSSİDE researchers and project coordinator, explained the operation of the project and the method followed to the participants with her presentation. Then, TÜRKTOB Secretary General Magnificent Torun announced the strategic action plan of the seed industry. After the project closing meeting, a Press Conference was held and the event ended with lunch.

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