“Cooperation Processes Analysis Project in Red Meat Production and Processing” was Signed

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The "Cooperation Process Analysis Project in Red Meat Production and Processing" contract was signed between TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock of the Republic of Turkey on February 7, 2017. The project, which will be carried out by TÜSSİDE, aims to determine the current potential of Erzurum province and its hinterland in terms of producer organizations, contracted production and cooperation processes in terms of red meat, to determine the appropriate support strategy and to establish a support mechanism.

The project is important in terms of providing resources for broad-based, long-term and systematic studies aimed at strengthening the sector and all parties locally, instead of smaller-scale financial supports given from the center to certain projects, and setting an example of successful studies.

The project will last 12 months in total;

  1. Developing Capacity and Raising Awareness on Cooperation Processes,
  2. Erzurum Province and Hinterland Red Meat Sector Current Situation Analysis,
  3. Determination of Erzurum Province and Hinterland Red Meat Sector Strategies,
  4. To Reveal the Cooperation Processes Required within the Framework of the Erzurum Province and Hinterland Red Meat Sector Strategy and to Establish a Structure Proposal for the Cooperation Models Emerging After These Studies

It consists of a total of 4 main objectives:

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