The Process Inventory of the General Directorate of TCDD Enterprise was Created by TÜBİTAK TÜSSIDE

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Within the scope of the project initiated in cooperation with the General Directorate of the Republic of Turkey State Railways (TCDD) Administration and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE, all institutional processes of the General Directorate of TCDD Enterprise were examined.

The TCDD Process Inventory project started with the opening meeting held on 29 August 2019 at the TCDD Conference Hall, hosted by TCDD Deputy General Manager İsmail ÇAĞLAR. All processes were analyzed within three months through 186 interviews and document analyses, and the institution's process inventory and all process ownership were determined as of the end of November. As a result of the confirmation meetings and evaluations held with each of the Departments and the TCDD Project Team in December, the TCDD Process Inventory and Process Ownerships were finalized. At the end of the study, 475 process headings were defined within the General Directorate of TCDD Processing and Regional Directorates.

It is expected that the outputs of this study will constitute an important input in the Quality Journey that TCDD will continue from now on.

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