KOP Region Geothermal Resources Evaluation Project Completed

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The "KOP Region Geothermal Resources Evaluation Project" carried out by Konya Plain Project Regional Development Administration (KOP RDA) and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE has been completed. With the project, all existing geothermal resources in the region and the relevant sectors in which the resources are used were analyzed in order to use the geothermal resources in the KOP Region effectively and thus serve regional development. In this regard, firstly, the current situation of geothermal resources in the world and in Turkey was examined, and good practice examples from the world and Turkey were included. Then, each of the provinces in the KOP Region (Aksaray, Karaman, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Konya, Nevşehir, Niğde and Yozgat) were subjected to technical and sectoral analyzes in terms of geothermal resource use and potential. The use of geothermal potential in these provinces was examined separately in the focus sectors of energy, agriculture and tourism. In addition to secondary source scanning, field studies, workshops and one-on-one interviews in the region were also included in these sectoral analyses. Thus, the data regarding the region was enriched and the project was enriched with both quantitative and qualitative data.

Within the scope of the technical studies carried out within the scope of the project, samples were taken from 65 thermal water sources in the KOP Region, the contents of these waters in 30 parameters, information on the general geology, stratigraphy and tectonic features of the region were examined, and studies in academic publications were compiled.

After bringing together and interpreting all the studies and analyses, improvement and new investment proposals and action plans were put forward in the fields of energy, industrial applications, agricultural applications, tourism and health applications for the use of geothermal resources in the region. In addition, an Investor Guide has been prepared for investors who want to evaluate the geothermal resources in the region, including the procedures to be followed in the investment processes and the potential investment areas of the region.

To access the 'Investor Guide' published within the scope of the KOP Region Geothermal Resources Evaluation Project and the province-based evaluation reports containing the current status and capacities of Aksaray, Kırşehir, Konya, Nevşehir, Niğde and Yozgat provinces. click here.

For the project brochure click here.

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