TTK Employee Satisfaction Evaluation System is Established by TÜSSIDE

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Within the scope of the "Determination of Employee Satisfaction Project" signed between Turkish Hard Coal Enterprise (TTK) and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE, the satisfaction levels of approximately 9000 Turkish Hard Coal Enterprise employees, including workers and managers/managers, will be determined.

Researchers Hasan KARABAKKAL, Sümeyra KÖSTERELİ and Yakup AS from the TÜSSİDE project team; They will play a role in providing the necessary competencies to enable employee satisfaction measurement and evaluation to be carried out sustainably by TTK's internal resources and will support the issue of 'listening to the voice of the employee' becoming a culture in the institution.

Within the scope of the TTK Employee Satisfaction Determination Project, classifications were made according to titles and positions, and separate data collection tools were designed according to these classifications. Following the design part, sessions were held at the Head Office and its affiliated businesses; Information was given about the purpose, scope and how the study will be carried out. In the study where the data collection process continues, comparative analyzes will be made on the basis of titles and positions, and the points that need to be improved and corrected as a priority in the institution will be identified.

The project; It is aimed to reveal the factors that demotivate employees and create dissatisfaction in the workplace and to create action plans regarding these, to reveal the development areas for increasing work efficiency with the culture of working together, and to present the steps to be taken to increase employee satisfaction and loyalty.

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