TÜRASAŞ to Develop its Institutional Capacity with TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE

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TÜBİTAK TÜSSIDE and Türkiye Rail System Vehicles Industry Inc. (TÜRASAŞ) “Assessment and Development of Institutional Capacity Project” was started on 25.01.2022. The duration of the project is two years and as a result of the project, TÜRASAŞ;

  • Effectively executing project management as a result of designing the project management office,
  • Supplier evaluation, supplier performance management and supplier classification by designing the supplier management mechanism,
  • Making it ready for implementation by determining the EU railway package compatibility criteria,
  • Process management with increased efficiency by end-to-end design of processes,
  • Ensuring effective functioning in the communication between the headquarters and work/production places,
  • Determining the appropriate strategies by determining the target market, customers and products/services,
  • Ensuring the effective functioning of the business development, sales and marketing organization,
  • Effectively implementing the cost/profitability framework for products/services,
  • Determining the production/maintenance capacities and creating a roadmap for the development of these capacities

It is aimed to design and implement new mechanisms that are specific and suitable for TÜRASAŞ by improving the existing processes in these areas and ultimately to improve its institutional capacity.

The opening meeting of the project was held on Monday, 14.02.2022 in Ankara, and the meeting was attended by TÜRASAŞ General Manager, Mr. It started with the presentation of Mustafa Metin Yazar. Afterwards, TÜSSIDE Institute Director Mr. It continued with İsmail Doğan's general assessment of the project. The project opening meeting ended with the presentation where TÜSSIDE project coordinator and project executives explained the project work packages in detail.

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