TÜSSİDE Completed the Analysis of Collaboration Processes in Red Meat Production and Processing Project

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The "Analysis of Cooperation Processes in Red Meat Production and Processing" project, carried out in cooperation with TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, has been completed.

With the project, various studies were carried out to increase the added value of the red meat sector for the region, which is one of the sectors that provides employment to a significant part of the population in Erzurum and its hinterland, helps meet the food needs, provides economic income to many branches of the industrial sector and contributes to the economy with its export potential.

In the project, various analyzes were made on providing resources for broad-based, long-term and systematic studies aimed at strengthening the sector and all parties locally, instead of smaller-scale financial supports given from the center to certain projects. The position of institutions/organizations in the value chain and their contributions to the sector were analyzed in studies that will provide input for the competition and needs analyzes of the sector and shape the cooperation-oriented supports that the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock will provide in the coming periods.

Following the field research, which included the analysis of the problems that need to be solved in the sector, how the problems can be overcome by taking advantage of the strengths, and how competitive policies can be followed, the outputs obtained were evaluated and the "Competitiveness Analysis" and "Needs Analysis" of the sector were revealed.

Various suggestions were made by evaluating topics that would provide detailed analysis of the sector, such as production, marketing, R&D, education, branding, quality and human resources.

Within the scope of the project, cooperatives, sectoral food clusters, research institutions and universities, producer associations, technology and research centers of the Netherlands and Germany, which are among the prominent countries in the world in terms of cooperation within the livestock and livestock ecosystem, were visited on-site. During the visits, various observations were made and information was exchanged with experts on the subject.

As a result of other studies carried out in the project;

  • Capacity was developed regarding cooperation processes in the region and awareness was created in the region,
  • Positive and negative aspects regarding the current situation of the Red Meat industry were revealed,
  • Strategies for the Red Meat Industry were determined for Erzurum Province and its Hinterland,
  • And finally, the necessary cooperation processes within the framework of the determined Red Meat Sector strategies were revealed and a structure was proposed for the resulting cooperation models.

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