TÜSSİDE Corporate Reputation Management Center

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Corporate Reputation Management Center, established within TÜSSİDE, started its work in Denizli within the framework of Pamukkale University Corporate Reputation Management Research, after Yıldız Technical University. Face-to-face interviews were held with 15 internal and external stakeholders of Pamukkale University on 07-09 November 2012. In the second phase of the research, a survey will be administered to 2708 people.

This 4-month research is carried out to determine the level of institutional reputation of Pamukkale University and to reveal the typologies of perceptions and attitudes developed by all stakeholders, especially the society, students, academics and civil society, towards Pamukkale University.

With the research outputs, the reputation of Pamukkale University in the society and stakeholders will be measured, areas open to improvement will be identified, new targets and indicators will be created, improvement suggestions will be presented, development will be monitored and comparisons will be made with the Corporate Reputation Index.

Pamukkale University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Kaplan

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