Workshop on Development of Production Models and Market Channels in Greenhouse Cultivation

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Within the scope of the "Development of Production Models and Market Channels in Greenhouse Cultivation Project" conducted in collaboration between TÜSSİDE and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's General Directorate of Plant Production, workshop activities have commenced.

The first workshops, which aim to analyze the current state of protected cultivation and urban agriculture, were held in İzmir. The İzmir Workshop had participation from universities, Provincial Directorates of Agriculture and Forestry from İzmir and neighboring provinces, as well as the Dikili Agricultural-Based Specialty Greenhouse Organized Industrial Zone. Three different discussion tables focused on protected cultivation, while one table addressed the current state of urban agriculture. The next workshop, focusing on the evaluation of the current state of protected cultivation and urban agriculture, took place in Antalya. The second workshop included participants from Provincial Directorates of Agriculture and Forestry, producers, the private sector, and ministry consultants from Antalya and neighboring provinces.

The workshop activities mark a significant step in the project and will continue to take place in different provinces at specified intervals.

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