GADOM Strategic Goals and Values Workshop Held

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Continuing the efforts of the "Food Supply Security and Digitalization Joint Application and Research Center (GADOM) Strategic Roadmap Preparation Project" in collaboration between TÜSSİDE and Kırklareli University.

Within the scope of the project conducted with the coordination of Kırklareli University, in partnership with Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University and Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, for the preparation of the strategic roadmap of the Food Supply Security and Digitalization Joint Application and Research Center, an online "Strategic Goals and Values Workshop" was organized.

In the workshop, which saw active participation from academic staff of coordinating and partner universities to determine the strategic positioning of GADOM within the ecosystem, following the presentation encompassing the introduction and objectives of the Center, outputs achieved within the project were shared.

After the informative presentations, the workshop program proceeded with following activities in an interactive manner:

  • Evaluation & Prioritization of Achieved Outputs within the Project Scope,
  • Setting Goals & Strategies and Values,
  • Setting Goals & Strategies and Values.

The workshop, where academics came together to express their views based on their areas of expertise, made significant contributions to the determination of GADOM's strategic goals and values. Furthermore, by fostering a collaborative culture, the workshop laid the groundwork for conducting activities related to food supply security and digitalization in regional, national, and international contexts, in line with the Center established through the partnership of three universities.

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