Sugar Master Plan Project Closing Meeting Held

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The "Sugar Sector Master Plan Project" realized in cooperation with TÜBİTAK TÜSİDE and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Sugar Department was completed and the results of the study were shared with the sector representatives and the public at the project closing meeting on May 30, 2022.

“Sugar Industry Master Plan”; It has been prepared in cooperation with the stakeholders in the sector, taking into account water constraint, population growth, raw material needs of the food sector and sugar production infrastructures. With the project, it is aimed to manage the sector effectively, efficiently and efficiently, to protect the sustainability in the sector and to meet the domestic sugar demand in the medium and long term.

In the project;

  • Value chain analysis of sugar production main products and by-products,
  • Analysis of sugar industry and international trends and forecasts,
  • Sugar consumption and trends analysis,
  • Sugar production and by-product analysis,
  • Sugar raw material production (sugar beet) and cost analysis

works have been carried out. In this context, face-to-face interviews were held with 787 beet producers. Workshops were held in 22 provinces with the participation of all stakeholders. At the same time, meetings were held with industrial establishments that use sugar as an input and parties engaged in sugar trade. Main and sub-strategies and action plans have been determined within the scope of the possible scenarios awaiting the sugar industry in the future, with the analysis and evaluations made in the light of all the collected data.

The closing meeting of the project was attended by the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Strategy and Budget Directorate, the provincial directorates of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, representatives of public, private and cooperative sugar factories, beet planters cooperatives, General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI), Şeker-İş Union, Agricultural Credit Cooperative (TKK). All stakeholders in the sector, including Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (ARDSI), Union of Chambers of Agriculture, TÜRKTOB and related NGOs, were invited.

In the opening speech of the meeting, Head of Sugar Department Mümtaz SİNAN touched upon the importance of sugar and the recent developments in sugar and thanked TÜBİTAK TÜSSIDE for its work on the project. TÜBİTAK TÜSİDE Institute Director İsmail DOĞAN, on the other hand, stated that they were happy to take part in the project and drew attention to the importance of the sector and the project.

After the opening speeches, Hanife BİLLERLİOĞLU, one of the Chief Expert Researchers at TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE, gave an informative presentation about the studies carried out within the scope of the project, the methods used and the scenarios awaiting the sugar industry. In the presentation, information was shared about the main and sub-strategies determined within the scope of each scenario and the suggested actions. The project closing meeting ended with the lunch given after the presentation.

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