TCDD Prepares its 2019-2023 Strategic Plan with TÜSSIDE

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Within the scope of the 100-day action plan published by the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, public institutions were asked to prepare their strategic plans for the 2019-2023 period. In this regard, the Republic of Turkey State Railways (TCDD) has decided to cooperate with TÜSSİDE regarding the preparation of its strategic plan. Within the scope of the project related to the preparation of the strategic plan, studies such as analyzing the current situation of TCDD, determining the vision and mission of the institution taking into account the national targets, and determining the strategic goals, targets, strategies and performance indicators to achieve this vision will be carried out.

TÜSSİDE, which has been involved in many strategic plan studies to date, started to work intensively for the preparation of TCDD's strategic plan until November 15, 2018, in the light of its experience and expertise.

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