KOP Region Geothermal Resources Evaluation Project Closing Meeting Held

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The closing meeting of the "KOP Region Geothermal Resources Evaluation Project" carried out by Konya Plain Project Regional Development Administration (KOP RDA) and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE was held online on January 28, 2021. 78 stakeholders representing the ecosystem in the region attended the meeting.

Within the scope of the project, geothermal resources of the provinces in the KOP Region (Aksaray, Karaman, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Konya, Nevşehir, Niğde and Yozgat) were analyzed and their current uses were examined. The most up-to-date data on the region's geothermal resources are included in the project final report, and in the light of these data, geothermal resources were evaluated in the focus sectors of energy, agriculture and tourism.

At the closing meeting of the project, TÜSSİDE project coordinator Chief Expert Researcher Barış Çarıkcı made the project presentation and the studies and analyzes carried out throughout the project were evaluated and suggested investment areas were shared. Following the meeting, which was held with intense participation from ministries, governorships and relevant units, development agencies in the KOP Region, municipalities and other local units, the Geothermal Resources Evaluation Project Final Report was published.

To access the report click here.

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