The Opening Meeting of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Human Resources Project was Held

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The Opening Meeting of the "Human Resources Management Project" signed between Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE was held on 11 March 2016 in Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality. The meeting was attended by Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality General Secretary Assoc. Dr. Tahir BÜYÜKAKIN and TÜSSİDE Director Tezer BATTAL; Deputy general secretaries of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, all department heads and relevant branch managers attended.

The main purpose of the project is to provide municipal services at different scales and with a complex structure; methodological management, maximizing citizen satisfaction, and creating competent and educated staff. Within the scope of the project, the current situation of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality will be analyzed, Human Resources and project management training will be organized for the project team, and job analyzes and job descriptions will be made.

At the Project Opening Meeting, information was given about the project work packages and ideas were exchanged with stakeholders about the details of the project.

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