TÜSSİDE and KOP Regional Development Administration Made Observations in Incheon Special Economic Zone

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Within the scope of the "Study and Feasibility Project for the Creation of Konya-Karaman-Mersin Industry and Trade Corridor" carried out by TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE for the Konya Plain Project (KOP) Regional Development Administration, Southeastern Anatolia Region, one of the most successful Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in the world, was carried out in order to evaluate its applicability in our country. A technical visit was made to Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) in Korea.

The aim of the visit was to establish business relations with experts and institutions in South Korea, to observe on-site the components and infrastructure of a successful SEZ system, and to obtain detailed information about the applied incentive policies and legislation.

During the observations, it was determined that IFEZ's strategies focus on specialized investors who meet certain conditions, and strict preconditions are imposed on investors regarding the sectors that will be included in the Special Economic Zone. Companies allowed to invest in the region are required to carry out R&D activities, especially on topics such as nanotechnology, biotechnology and IT, and to ensure qualified production conditions. If they meet this prerequisite, investors can pass the preliminary screening and are allowed to invest. Facilities that carry out production activities are clustered at certain points outside the city.

Another situation observed in the region is that a new city is being built in an extremely large-scale region such as shopping malls, entertainment areas, living centers, financial centers and office areas, rather than a production focus. It was emphasized that in order to attract qualified human resources and realize advanced technology production, not only certain facilities but also a living space should be designed with an integrated approach.

Apart from the IFEZ officials and technical site visits, the project was explained in detail by meeting with the Turkish Ambassador to South Korea, Mr. Arslan Hakan OKÇAL, and the Commercial Attaché, Mr. M. Alper ATİLLA. Ideas were exchanged on joint work that could be carried out with South Korea and the KOP Regional Development Administration within the scope of the project and afterwards.

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