TÜSSİDE Manager and Project Executives Visited IETT

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TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Institute Director Tezer BATTAL and his accompanying delegation visited İETT (Istanbul Electric Tramway and Tunnel Enterprises) General Manager Mümin KAHVECİ at the IETT General Directorate on 29.08.2014. At the acquaintance meeting attended by IETT Deputy General Managers and Department Heads, ideas were exchanged about the ongoing "Flexible Public Transportation Modeling Project" between TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE and IETT and other projects that could be realized.

Institute Director Tezer BATTAL; He stated that they are happy to carry out joint projects with a 140-year-old institution like IETT, which works for social welfare, and that they will provide all kinds of support to continuously increase the cooperation between the two institutions. İETT General Manager Mümin KAHVECİ said; He stated that "increasing the cooperation between the two institutions by carrying out more joint projects with TÜSSİDE is very important for the welfare of the society and the development of the IETT institution."

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