DOKAP President Ekrem Yüce Visited TÜSSİDE

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Eastern Black Sea Project Regional Development Administration President Ekrem Yüce visited our Institute on Monday, November 6, in order to exchange information about the projects carried out in cooperation with TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE and to hold consultations on future projects.

Institute Director Tezer Battal from TÜSSİDE, Projects Coordinator Bakı Doğa Günay and Barış Çarıkcı, Can Bayraktar and Can Batuhan Demir from the Sustainable Corporate Governance unit attended the meeting held during the visit. They informed Ekrem Yüce about the Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Research of Agricultural Production and Agricultural Industry Investment Potential and Determination of Organic Agriculture Basins projects currently carried out with DOKAP Regional Development Administration. The visit ended with mutual exchange of ideas, thanks and goodwill wishes.

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