Ege University Strategic Management Training

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Ege University Strategic Management Training was held in Izmir with the participation of 71 employees of the institution. In this training, which is held to support the institutional development of the university, TÜSSİDE experts share the conceptual framework for the preparation of the strategic plan of the university covering the years 2019-2023, which will carry the institution to the desired future, with the participants in line with the strategic planning guide prepared by the Ministry of Development for universities, and apply it through the individual institution and various cases. It was internalized through studies.

Within the scope of the training program; Internal Analyzes to determine the current situation of the institution (Human Resources Analysis, Physical Resources Analysis, Technological Infrastructure Analysis, Financial Resource Analysis, Legislation Analysis, Academic Activity Analysis (Service Based / Faculty Based)), Institutional Self-Assessment Survey Application, Stakeholders, Products and Services Theoretical and practical studies were carried out for PEST and SWOT Analyzes. Afterwards, in line with these analyses, the concepts of Values, Mission and Vision, Differentiation Strategies, Strategic Objectives, Strategic Targets and Performance Indicators, Relevant-Responsible Unit Concepts, Strategies, Risk Management, Monitoring and Evaluation were studied.

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