TÜBİTAK -TÜSSİDE 10th Advisory Board Meeting was held

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Along with the advisory board members, TÜSSİDE Board of Directors members Bolu Governor Ahmet Zahteroğulları, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies Nesrin Afşar Çelik, Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of National Education Salih Çelik, Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of National Education and Chairman of the TÜSSİDE Advisory Board Assoc. Dr. Ömer Açıkgöz, TÜSSİDE Director Tezer Battal and officials attended.

It started with a moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem and was chaired by Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of National Education, Assoc. Dr. The 10th Advisory Board Meeting, held by Ömer Açıkgöz, continued with Institute Director Tezer Battal giving information about the work carried out by TÜSSİDE in 2013.

The meeting, which continued with brainstorming with the Advisory Board and obtaining the opinions of the parties in order to direct the work that TÜSSİDE envisages to carry out for the private sector, ended after wishes and wishes.

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