TÜSSİDE Researchers Attended the Global Conference on Engineering and Technology Management Held in Chicago

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Aydın DELİ and Dr. TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE researchers. Hakan TURAN attended the Engineering and Technology Management Global Conference held in Chicago on 4-5 September 2015.

Researcher Aydın DELİ presented his paper titled -Origin Destination Estimation and Validation.

At the conference attended by academicians and administrators, the fields of Technology Management, Transportation and Logistics Management, Engineering and Technology Management, Supply Chain Management, Finance and Risk Management, Health Management and Project Management came to the fore. MD Anderson Cancer Center executive director, Illinois Science & Technology Coalition president, Great Lakes Region manager and Loyola University Clinic Director attended the conference as speakers; ST. Cloud State University, Southern Illinois University, Purdue University, George Washington University, Florence University, Roosevelt University, Old Dominion University, Dalian University of Technology, Istanbul Technical University, Yıldız Technical University, Boğaziçi University, Okan University, Istanbul Bilgi University, Rio de Janeiro Academicians and researchers from State University, Sao Paulo University, Shenzhen University, Beijing Union University, Tongji University, Hertfordshire University, Lanzhou University took part.

Within the scope of the "IETT Flexible Transportation Project" carried out by TÜSSİDE, R&D studies and the methods used were reported and presented at this conference.

Within the scope of the presentation;

  • The Metrobus project carried out with IETT was introduced, and the innovations implemented after the project were explained.
  • Origin-Destination (OD) matrices were explained.
  • Elde edilen O-D matrislerinin tutarlılığı 2 yeni ve farklı yöntemle sorgulandı ve her iki sorgulama sonucu %95 bulunduğu ortaya konuldu.
  • These highly validated methods and methods have taken their place in the literature.

Expert Researcher Dr. Hakan TURAN presented his paper titled Comparison of Queue Performances of Pull and Push Systems.

Within the scope of the presentation;

  • Push and pull systems were explained.
  • Push and pull systems were compared based on tail performance.
  • A new model was developed.
  • The performance of the new model created was measured according to different scenarios.

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