TÜSSİDE Signs Collaborations with Universities

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In this context, TÜSSİDE Institute Director Prof. Dr. Osman Kulak, Yıldız Technical University Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Yüksek, Sabancı University Rector Prof. Dr. Nihat Berker, Rector of Istanbul Technical University Prof.Dr. Mehmet Karaca, Rector of Istanbul University Prof. Dr. Yunus SÖYLET, Özyeğin University Rector Prof.Dr. Erhan Erkut and Istanbul Kemerburgaz University Rector Prof.Dr. He signed a protocol with Yıldırım Üçtuğ. Lastly on the list of cooperation with universities is Gedik University Rector Prof. Dr. The protocol signed with Berrak KURTULUŞ was included.

These protocols aim to share the experiences of the human resources of both parties and exchange information. Thus, with the protocols made, TÜSSİDE aims for its researchers to benefit from master's and doctoral programs within universities and for university faculty members and staff to take part in the training programs, consultancy and research projects carried out by TÜSSİDE.

Institute Director Prof.Dr. Osman KULAK and Yıldız Technical University Rector Prof.Dr. İsmail HIGH

Institute Director Prof. Dr. Osman KULAK and Sabancı University Rector Prof. Dr. Nihat BERKER (right) and Vice Rector Prof.Dr. Hasan MANDAL (left)

Institute Director Prof. Dr. Osman KULAK and Istanbul Technical University Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet KARACA

Institute Director Prof. Dr. Osman KULAK and Istanbul University Rector Prof. Dr. Yunus SÖYLET

Institute Director Prof. Dr. Osman KULAK and Özyeğin University Rector Prof. Dr. Erhan ERKUT

Institute Director Prof. Dr. Osman KULAK and Kemerburgaz University Rector Prof. Dr. Yıldırım ÜÇTÜĞ

Institute Director Prof. Dr. Osman KULAK and Gedik University Rector Prof. Dr. Berrak KURTULUŞ

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