Update Studies on the Drug Reimbursement List

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The closing meeting of the "Drug Reimbursement List Update Studies" project, initiated in cooperation with TÜSSİDE SGK, was held in Ankara.

The closing meeting of the "Drug Reimbursement Policies and Update and Revision Studies on the List of Drugs to be Paid for" project carried out by TÜSSİDE was held in Ankara, Bilkent Conference Center. The aims, objectives, activities and outputs of the project were discussed at the meeting attended by many experts from the Social Security Institution, Ministry of Health, Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, Turkish Public Health Institution, Ministry of Development, Ministry of Finance, Undersecretariat of Treasury, universities, private sector and various pharmaceutical associations. Information and experience were shared about the

TÜSSİDE Director Tezer Battal emphasized that in order to ensure the sustainability of the health system, it is necessary to control the increasing health expenditures without reducing the quality of the service received by the citizens, and expressed his satisfaction with the project and stated that they want to undertake even more successful projects in the future.

In her speech, Health Economics and Management R&D Coordinator Kirstin Öztürk emphasized that Turkey's health system has been successfully established and drew attention to the health data regularly kept in Turkey. He said that with easier access to the data treasure we have, very valuable projects may emerge in the future and that he is excited about this important step taken with the pharmaceutical project.

SGK Policy and Project Department Head Dr. Following the closing speech made by Mümine Nurdan Doğukan, Deputy General Manager of the Social Security Institution, Dr. The program ended with Alper Süzen presenting the plaques to the project team.

For video news: http://www.sgktv.gov.tr/Sayfalar/HaberDetay.aspx?ItemID=2303610a-3e52-4762-8b1f-5ed242d443d8

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