Organized Industrial Zone Supreme Council (OSBÜK) Visit was Held within the Scope of Konya Karaman Mersin Trade Corridor Activation Project

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In order to share the findings obtained within the scope of the "Survey and Feasibility Project for the Creation of Konya-Karaman-Mersin Industry and Trade Corridor", which is being carried out by TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE for the Konya Plain Project (KOP) Regional Development Administration, the institution managers and the project team were held on 24/07/2017. He visited the Organized Industrial Zones Supreme Council (OSBÜK).

Within the scope of the visit, a presentation titled "National Advanced Technology and Industry 4.0" was made by our TÜSSİDE Institute Director Tezer BATTAL.

Following the presentation of Institute Director Tezer BATTAL, Chief Researcher Dr. from TÜSSİDE Transportation and Logistics Management unit. İsmail ÖNDEN made an informative presentation including the studies and analyzes carried out within the scope of the project, and shared information about the special economic zone models being worked on.

After the presentations, OSBÜK President and Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges Board Member Memiş KÜTÜKCÜ and KOP Regional Development Administration President İhsan BOSTANCI shared their opinions about the project and the presentations with the project teams in TÜSSİDE and KOP Administration. With the evaluations and mutual exchange of views, a Special Economic Zone model applicable in the region and the issues that should be focused on technological transformation in the region were discussed.

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