
Within the scope of "Survey of Safe Shelters and Mooring Systems on Our Coasts Project", "1. Focus Group Meeting was Held

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"1. “Focus Group Meeting” was held on April 8, 2015 at TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE facilities. A total of 26 people attended the meeting, including TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE project team and project consultants, UDHB project team, sector representatives from the public, private sector, universities and various NGOs.

In the first session of the focus group meeting, the project scope and the project stages accomplished so far were shared. In the following sessions, the determination of the site selection criteria for mooring and sheltering systems and the weighting of the site selection criteria presented by the TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Project Team were carried out, respectively. In the closing session of the study, all participants were given the right to speak one by one and their thoughts and suggestions about the project were evaluated from the perspective of their knowledge and experience.

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