Assistant Specialist Training Cooperation Project Completed

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The "Assistant Specialist Training Cooperation Project" signed between the Ministry of National Education (MEB) General Directorate of Human Resources and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE in March 2015 has ended. Within the scope of the project, teaching programs have been designed and implemented to increase the academic equipment of assistant experts working in the Ministry of National Education, to guide their studies and also to develop their professional technical skills.

Within the scope of the project, a total of 135 MEB Assistant Experts were trained in Mersin, Aydın and Muğla In-Service Institutes and TÜSSİDE. The general titles of the training, which lasted a total of 330 hours, are given in Figure 1.

The "Difference Makers in Education" section, which was included in the program in order to benefit assistant specialists who are not included in the education headings but are expected to develop education policies, has attracted great attention from assistant specialists and TÜSSİDE researchers. Engin Yılmaz, who is the director of Boğaziçi University Visually Impaired Technology and Education Laboratory (GETEM), known for his audio book projects within the scope of the Changemakers in Education section, Ahmet Naç, a new generation teacher who has recently become a trending topic on social media with his different classroom design, and Varkey Gems Foundation Global Teacher Award Committee Dilek Livaneli, who is among the "50 best teachers in the world" chosen by , shared their posts.

Within the scope of the project, an evaluation system was established to monitor the development of experts, reports were made and the project was completed as of February 2016.

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