Current Situation Analysis Workshops were Held for GAP Region SMEs

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Current situation analysis workshops organized for regional SMEs within the scope of the GAP Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Project were held in two different cities, in Gaziantep on Tuesday, July 3, 2018, and in Diyarbakır on Thursday, July 5, 2018.

Representatives of SMEs in the region, representatives from public institutions, universities and NGOs in the region, especially OIZ and Teknokent officials, participated in the Common Mind Platforms, which consist of group studies in which stakeholders in the region actively participate by generating ideas regarding the project SME work package.

The outputs obtained from the workshops will constitute input for the preparation of strategies and road maps to eliminate bureaucratic, economic, social and cultural obstacles to regional SMEs. Activities in the project SME work package will continue with in-depth interviews with SMEs in the provinces of the region and comparative analyzes with the provinces of Denizli, Kayseri, Konya and Çorum.

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