DOKAP Region Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Project Opening Meeting was Held in Giresun

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The opening meeting of the "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Project" signed between the Eastern Black Sea Project (DOKAP) Regional Development Administration and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE for the DOKAP Region was held in Giresun on February 4, 2016.

The meeting was held with the participation of universities, organized industrial zones, small industrial sites, technoparks, business development centers, free zones, research institutes and NGO representatives, and the opening speeches of Giresun Governor Hasan KARAHAN, DOKAP Regional Development Administration President Ekrem YÜCE and TÜSSİDE Institute Director Tezer BATTAL. It started with. Following the speeches on the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation for the region, the project introduction presentation, including the purpose and scope of the project, was made by TÜSSİDE Projects Coordinator Orhan DURSUN and TÜSSİDE Project Executive Barış ÇARIKCI.

In the afternoon part of the program, international economist Alberto GOMEZ, Assoc. Prof. "Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Strategy and Globalization". Dr. M. Atilla Arıcıoğlu and Oya UYSAL shared information with the participants on "Clustering and Competitiveness" and "Regional Innovation and Technology Infrastructures".

The project will continue with field interviews, surveys and workshops in which stakeholder suggestions are received, analyzing the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem of the region and creating strategic road maps. The project aims to increase the competitiveness of the region and contribute to sustainable development.

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