İETT General Manager Visited TÜSSİDE

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İETT General Manager Mümin KAHVECİ visited TÜSSİDE on September 17 within the scope of the "İETT Project Information Meeting" conducted by TÜSSİDE. TÜSSİDE Institute Director Tezer BATTAL, MAM (Marmara Research Center) President Assoc. Dr. Bahadır TUNABOYLU, BİLGEM (Informatics and Information Security Advanced Technologies Research Center) Vice President Lami KAYA, UME (National Meteorology Institute) Director Dr. Mustafa ÇETİNTAŞ, MARTEK (Marmara Teknopark) General Manager Orhan ÇÖMLEK and representatives of the companies in MARTEK attended the program. This program organized by TÜSSİDE was featured in the national media.

The program started at 09:30 with a welcome speech and breakfast. TÜSSİDE Institute Director Tezer BATTAL made the TÜSSİDE presentation. He explained the activities, competencies and projects of the institute. MAM President, BİLGEM Vice President, UME Manager, MARTEK General Manager and representatives of Ford, ISR (Information Security Research) and AVL engineering companies operating in TÜBİTAK TEKNOPARK explained their institutions and the activities they carried out, respectively.

In the program, MAM President Assoc. Dr. Bahadır TUNABOYLU and IETT General Manager Mümin KAHVECİ presented their gifts to each other. After the presentations, the participants had lunch as a group. After lunch, IETT representatives and TÜSSİDE "IETT Flexible Transportation Project" executives attended the "IETT Flexible Transportation Project 2nd Phase Meeting".

Reflections of the event in the national press

Today Newspaper
Sabah Newspaper
Mynet News
Anadolu Agency

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