Pakistan Higher Education Council Members Were at TÜSSİDE for Quality Assurance Systems and Capacity Building Programs

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Within the scope of developing cooperation and solidarity between the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC Pakistan) and the Council of Higher Education of Turkey (YÖK), the second and third Pakistani delegations participated in the training programs designed by TÜSSİDE.

The first program, attended by the first high-level Pakistan HEC delegation of 21 people between 29 October and 05 November 2016, was repeated for the second delegation of 30 people between 13-20 May 2017 at TÜSSİDE.

In the program of the second delegation, YÖK Deputy Chairman Prof. on the subjects of good practices and quality assurance systems in higher education. Dr. Hasan Mandal and YÖK Member Prof. Dr. Tuncay DÖĞEROĞLU; Prof. Dr. Fazilet VARDAR from Ege University on scientific research instruments in Turkish universities; ULAKBİM Director M. Mirat SATOĞLU and Chief Expert Ebru SOYUYÜCE AYDIN on the Research Ecosystem in Turkey; Assoc. Prof. from Ege University on university-industry cooperation and technoparks. Dr. Serdar TEMEL shared their posts. Field visits were made to Sakarya University, Istanbul Technical University and ITU Arıkent to support theoretical exchanges on topics such as University-Industry cooperation, Technoparks, Quality systems.

Following the second delegation program, the third delegation of 30 people was in TÜSSİDE on 20-27 May 2017 for the training titled "Capacity Building in Universities and Standardization of Financial Rules". Financial Expert Ahmet ARSLAN on the Public Financial Management Control Law No. 5018 and its Applications in Universities, Department Head Mustafa KOÇ from the General Directorate of Budget and Financial Control on the Budget Preparation in Universities and Negotiation Process with the Ministry of Finance, and YÖK on the Handling of the Law No. 5018 in Terms of Quality Assurance Practices. Member Prof. Dr. Tuncay DÖĞEROĞLU shared their posts.

The program ended with field visits to Eskişehir Anadolu University and Sakarya University on financial practices in the open education faculty and integrated applications of academic and financial structures in universities.

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