Pakistan Higher Education Commission (HEC Pakistan) was at TÜSSİDE for the "Good Practices and Quality Assurance Systems in Higher Education" Program

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Improving cooperation and solidarity between the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC Pakistan) and the Council of Higher Education of Turkey (YÖK), evaluating global trends in the higher education ecosystem, sharing the role of the Turkish Council of Higher Education in the development of universities in our country, transferring good practices in Turkey on the axis of university-industry cooperation, and A training program was designed by TÜSSİDE with the consultancy of YÖK in order to understand the impact of universities on innovation concepts.

21 senior managers from the Pakistan Higher Education Commission attended the program held at TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE between 29 October and 05 November 2016. Within the scope of the program, posts were made under 3 main headings;

  • Good practices and quality assurance systems in higher education (with comparisons of Pakistan Higher Education Commission and YÖK) – Deputy Chairman of YÖK Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal and YÖK Member Prof. Dr. Tuncay DÖĞEROĞLU,
  • Research ecosystem in Turkey – ARDEB and ULAKBİM managers Prof. Dr. Experts with Zafer EVİS and Mehmet Mirat SATOĞLU
  • University-Industry cooperation – Yıldız Technopark Board Member Prof. Dr. It was given by Mesut Güner.

Visits were made to Sabancı University and Yıldız Technical University to support theoretical exchanges on topics such as University-Industry cooperation, Technoparks, Quality systems, and participants were also allowed to see Turkish universities on-site.

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