Research Project for the Improvement of OIZ Services Started

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Within the scope of the contract signed between the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE on September 2, 2020, research and development studies will be carried out to improve the services offered in OIZs operating in our country. Within the scope of the project, it is aimed to develop services such as food and beverage, education, health and sports, which are open to all OIZ employees, other than infrastructure services such as electricity, water and natural gas offered in OIZs. In this regard, it is planned to create an inventory of the services provided in OIZs, determine the needs and satisfaction, and develop the services to be offered accordingly.

The first phase of the project, in which quantitative and qualitative analysis methods will be used, is the current situation analysis. In this context, the pilot studies of the first survey prepared to determine the service inventory were completed and shared with OIZ managements. With the second survey to be conducted, satisfaction with the services offered in OIZs will be measured. Then, OIZs will be classified on the basis of services with the statistical cluster analysis to be carried out, and the project will continue with in-depth interviews with the sample determined on the basis of classification.

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