Advanced Technology Schools and Training Centers Project Launch Meeting Held

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The signing ceremony of the 'Advanced Technology Schools Education Curriculum Creation and Implementation Project', which will be held within the İrfan Educational Institutions in cooperation with the Science Dissemination Foundation İrfan Educational Institutions and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE, was held in Istanbul on April 26, 2018.

In the program attended by İrfan schools teachers and students and members of the Science Dissemination Foundation, İlim Dissemination Foundation İrfan Schools General Manager Ahmet Kerim NALBANT, TÜBİTAK-TÜSSİDE Institute Director Tezer BATTAL, TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan MANDAL, Deputy Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Prof. Dr. Hasan Ali ÇELİK, President of the Science Dissemination Foundation Yücel ÇELİKBİLEK, Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Science Dissemination Foundation İrfan Schools. Bilal ERDOĞAN, Istanbul Governor Vasip ŞAHİN and Minister of National Education İsmet YILMAZ made the opening speeches respectively. In the opening speeches; Satisfaction with the targeted work was expressed and wishes for success were shared.

Ahmet Kerim NALBANT, General Director of Science Dissemination Foundation İrfan Schools; In his speech, he stated that the project will serve the production of robots that will be used in many fields from industry to the health sector, with national and local resources, through advanced training. NALBANT also said that a total of 25 institutions in America, Europe, Southeast Asia and the Middle East were comprehensively examined during the preparation of the training program.

In his speech, TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Director Tezer BATTAL stated that the study to be carried out in cooperation with İrfan Educational Institutions; He evaluated that it will contribute to the education of our future generations with curriculums in line with the 4th Industrial Revolution paradigm that centers on 21st century skills, with sustainable and effective methods required by the age.

In his speech, TÜBİTAK President Prof. emphasized the importance of training qualified people and producing qualified knowledge for our country. Dr. Hasan MANDAL said that the training program will include subjects from the fields of artificial intelligence, robots, advanced mathematics and engineering; He pointed out that it is very important to include modules that strengthen the creative side of students, develop their critical perspectives, transform their aesthetic and artistic aspects, and increase their entrepreneurial leadership skills.

Within the scope of the Advanced Technology Schools Education Curriculum Creation and Implementation Project, studies such as training needs analysis, training of teachers and development of the thematic curriculum and contents related to the program will be carried out. Besides; There are also work steps such as monitoring the training program in line with the principle of continuous improvement, revising it when necessary, and measuring and evaluating its outputs.

After the Minister of National Education İsmet YILMAZ, Science Dissemination Foundation İrfan Schools General Manager Ahmet Kerim NALBANT and TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Institute Director Tezer BATTAL signed the agreement, the guests expressed their wishes that the work would be beneficial and auspicious for our country and nation.

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