TÜSSİDE Joined EUnetHTA, Europe's Most Effective HTA Network

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TÜSSİDE Health Economics and Management R&D unit was accepted to EUnetHTA, Europe's most effective HTA (Health Technology Assessment) network.

EUnetHTA is an organization that aims to improve HTA by producing reliable and transparent information that is transferable between European countries. EUnetHTA, which provides cooperation between organizations performing HTA throughout Europe, manages the effective use of limited resources in order to create value in health services through HTA, creates a sustainable system that enables information sharing on HTA, provides an independent and scientifically based platform to member countries and provides good HTA. It carries out regional and national studies on issues such as supporting examples and processes.

EUnetHTA strategic partnership, to be able to cooperate with other member countries such as Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, England, to strengthen the application of HTA tools and approaches, to build the HTA system correctly in Turkey. It is very important to benefit from the past experiences of countries in determining the strategies and principles that need to be developed for this purpose.

In this sense, partnership work was initiated between TÜSSİDE and EUnetHTA in September 2014. The first studies in which TÜSSİDE will take part within the scope of the partnership are;

  • Developing the capacities of personnel who will implement HTA in Turkey,
  • Ensuring coordination between institutions and individuals implementing HTA
  • To start and complete core HTA studies by determining the topics that require priority analysis for Turkey,
  • To test the HTA infrastructure that is being established by applying pilot HTA models,
  • To test HTA studies, monitor and evaluate their effects,
  • EUnetHTA is determined to make improvements in HTA processes by sharing information with its partners.

​For detailed information: http://www.eunethta.eu/organisation/tuebitak-tuesside

For the news of the 1st Annual Meeting of Health Technology Evaluation supported by TÜSSİDE click here.

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